Please note: We currently only deliver books and laminated posters to Australia. If you are an international customer please go to our Digital Downloads page. Click images to view a larger image of products. All prices shown in AUD.
Outdoors Poster also available as a digital download
Size: A3 Hardcopy (297mm x 420mm)
Finish: Laminated Hardcopy
100% Australian made
Price: A3 Hardcopy – AUD$10.00
Size: Hardcopy A3(297mm x 420mm) Finish: Laminated Hardcopy
100% Australian made
Online Price: 3 x A3 Hardcopies AUD$30.00 or single posters AUD$10.00 each
Posters in set: Healthy Habits; Food Choices; Hand Washing.
Caring for the Environment Poster also available as a digital download
Size: A3 Hardcopy (297mm x 420mm)
Finish: Laminated Hardcopy
100% Australian made
Price: A3 Hardcopy – AUD$10.00
Size: A3 (297mm X 420mm)
Finish: Laminated Hardcopy
100% Australian made
Online Price: 10 x A3 Hardcopies – AUD$50.00 or single posters AUD$5.00 each
Posters in set: Creative; Construction; Playdough; Sensory; Science; Pretend; Nature; Books; Music; Puzzles.
EYLF MTOP Outcomes Poster Series also available as a digital download
Size: A3 Hardcopy (297mm x 420mm)
Finish: Laminated Hardcopy
100% Australian made
Online Price: 5 x A3 Hardcopies – AUD$45.00 or single posters AUD$10.00 each
Posters in set: Identity; My World; Wellbeing; Learner; Communicator.
Learning Child Poster Series also available as a digital download
Size: A3 Hardcopy (297mm x 420mm)
Finish: Laminated Hardcopy
100% Australian made
Online Price: 3 x A3 Hardcopies – AUD$30.00 or single posters AUD$10.00 each
Posters in set: Discover imagine create learn; Children become readers; Childhood is a journey.
ISBN: 0-9775560-0-X
Published by Bookoola Ink, Brisbane, 2006
54 pages spiral bound
26 cm x 24 cm
Online Price: AUD$5.00
Australian Customers
Ordering early childhood resources for an Australian school, preschool, kindergarten or childcare?
Please download our order form and forward your order directly to Bookoola Ink.
All Australian education facilities are entitled to a 14 day account.
Purchase online with Visa, MasterCard or PayPal.
To order early childhood resources online, simply click the items you require. When you arrive at the checkout page you will have the option to pay by credit card or use your PayPal account.
Shipping throughout Australia
Flat rate of $10.00 Australia wide.
Australian and International customers can purchase digital downloads from our Digital Downloads page. If you are an Australian customer you can purchase Healthy Habits Posters, Caring for the Environment Posters, Play to Learn Posters, EYLF MTOP Outcomes Posters, Learning Child Posters, I Will Learn Posters or I Love to Play books directly from this page. Products are also available in Australia from education suppliers. Please see our Stockists page for a list of suppliers. Please ask your local education supplier or rep to stock our product if they do not currently carry our products.